Leading at the Speed of Change: Using New Economy Rules to Transform Old Economy Companies
Energize a traditional bricks-and-mortar company with lightning-fast e-business spirit -- and results Traditional brick-and-mortar companies’ competitive survival in the New Economy depends on learning how to think, act, and perform like the most agile of today's light-speed, dotcom enterprises. Leading at the Speed of Change shows the way. Based on extensive interviews with key players, this book takes you behind the scenes to describe how one global giant, AT&T, has risen to the challenge.You'll learn how AT&T Solutions, under the direction of entrepreneurial superstar Rick Rocsitt, grew from a dream to a $5 billion enterprise in less than five years. A road map through today's exciting e-business revolution, this challenging, compelling landmark book serves up a template old-line companies can use to rethink, redesign, and reengineer their design processes, factory floors, supply chains, and distribution channels --and meet the changing demands and opportunities of the new Internet economy. Don’t miss this guide’s powerful lessons on how to infuse any organization with the spirit, creativity, swiftness, and growth of the best dotcom companies.