Production and Operations Management: Manufacturing and Services (McGraw-Hill series in management)
This leading text for production and operations management courses shows students how managers plan and control operations to achieve optimum productivity, top quality, and customer satisfaction. The book follows its traditional organization of planning and control before design, which helped make it a market leader. It gives balanced coverage of both services and manufacturing, and the relationship between business planning, production planning, and master scheduling is shown. Stressing management of on-going systems in both manufacturing and service industries, the fifth edition covers both descriptive and quantitative methods throughout. This revision has been updated to reflect such current issues as TQM, continuous improvement, JIT, international operations, and changing technologies. In addition, the problem material has been extensively revised. New to this edition - integrates issues associated with the globalization of the world economy and the growing globalization of production (ch. 16); now two chapters on quality - ch. 13 on statistical quality control and new ch. 12 on total quality management and a new ch. 19 on continuous improvement; new application box in each chapter, "Customer Satisfaction", spells out how each P/OM function adds value and increases customer satisfaction; three new in-text plant tours. Additionally available are: Instructor's Manual/Test Bank (0-07-016991-8); Solutions Manual (0-07-016992-6); Overhead Transparencies (0-07-074588-9); Video Plant Tours and Guide (0-07-911523-3); Computerized Test Bank - IBM 5.25" (0-07-833352-0); Computerized Test Bank - IBM 3.5" (0-07-833353-9); Study Guide (0-07-016989-6).