Best Practices in Reengineering: What Works and What Doesn't in the Reengineering Process
Increasingly aware of the demand to achieve ever more challenging performance targets, more companies are embarking on Business Process Reengineering (BPR) efforts. Yet, the failure rate is reportedly high. Discontent and second-guessing persists about the very nature of BPR, what it is, and how to implement it successfully.
In dispelling the doubts in how to proceed, this book shows CEOs, managers, and BPR team members how to benefit most from BPR implementation. Rather than laying out the authors' own program, it relies upon an in-depth international study of 47 companies that have reduced costs, compressed cycle time, and improved customer service through successful BPR techniques.
The research clearly illustrates what's right and what's wrong in the reengineering process and captures the practices and approaches that successful companies have taken. All study participants agree that there are distinctive practices - best practices - that work. These proven best practices, common to companies reaching their goals, form the core of this book.