Books by U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops
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RCIA Study Edition (Spanish) (Spanish Edition)
Author(s): U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops
ISBN-13: 9781555865092
Renovemos: La Vision (Span: Renewing the Vision)
Author(s): United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
ISBN-13: 9781574550054
Edition: 1st: 8/24/97, Sauls, Qty: 1,964, Unit: $0.99, Total: $1,950 1st:
Span:Global Climate Change
Author(s): NA
ISBN-13: 9781574558555
Edition: 1st: 8/29/01, Bladen Litho, etc., Qty: 3,080, Unit: $2.53, Total
The Sacrament of Charity (Sacramentum Caritatis)
Author(s): pope-benedict-xvi
ISBN-13: 9781601370020
Edition: 1st: 3/28/07, Kirby Litho, Qty: 15,132 copies, Unit cost: $0.88,
Doctrinal Elements of a Curriculum Framework for the Development of Catechetical Materials for Young People of High School Age (Usccb Publication)
Author(s): catholic-church
ISBN-13: 9781601370426
Sharing Catholic Social Teaching: Challenges and Directions
Author(s): US Conference of Catholic Bishops
ISBN-13: 9781601370853
Administration of Communion and Viaticum by an Extraordinary Minister
Author(s): US Conference of Catholic Bishops
ISBN-13: 9781601373359