Books by Pacini Editore
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Eginardo. Translazione dei santi Marcellino e Pietro
ISBN-13: 9788863151312
Gesta Berengarii. Scontro per il regno nell'Italia del X secolo. Testo latino a fronte
Author(s): Unknown, Author
ISBN-13: 9788863151886
Publisher: Pacini Editore
Format: Paperback, 0 pages
Museo dei bozzetti «Pierluigi Gherardi». Pietrasanta
Author(s): Fogher V. Celli C.
ISBN-13: 9788863152067
An illustrated history of Perugia
Author(s): Nico Ottaviani, M. Grazia
ISBN-13: 9788863152159
Publisher: Pacini Editore
Format: Paperback, 0 pages
Tuscany. An illustrated short history
Author(s): Alma Poloni
ISBN-13: 9788863152333
Publisher: Pacini Editore
Format: Paperback, 0 pages
L'arte a Pisa in 200 immagini
Author(s): Unknown, Author
ISBN-13: 9788863153200
Publisher: Pacini Editore
Format: Paperback, 0 pages
The island of Elba. Guide to the nature, history and itineraries
Author(s): Lambertini, Marco
ISBN-13: 9788863154573
Publisher: Pacini Editore
Format: Paperback, 0 pages