Introduction to Airborne Radar
The classic Hughes radar book, extensively revised to comprehensively cover modern airborne and space-based radar.
A must-have text reference for readers throughout the radar and aerospace industry, plus all those with an interest in radar and aircraft.
* The only text that covers the wide range of techniques employed in modern airborne radar
* Accessible to all, regardless of technical background
* Over 1000 clear and colourful graphics and photographs
* Illustrated throughout with real-life examples of airbourne radars including functional descriptions of radars for the F-14, F-15 and F-16 fighters, E-3 AWACS aircraft, the B-2 stealth bomber and the F-22 Stealth fighter.
Introduction to airborne radar contains all the information needed to understand the basic principles of radar in easily grasped, largely physical terms, and to build a sound understanding of most advanced radar techniques.
Also available:
Introduction to Radar Target Recognition - ISBN 9780863415012
Low-angle Radar Land Clutter - ISBN 9780852962305
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