Keys to the Kingdom
THE KEYS TO THE KINGDOM ARE BINDING, LOOSING, AND KNOWLEDGECAN YOU IMAGINE how terrible it would be to find YOURSELF a prisoner, LOCKED behind bars where you could not get out! TO BE BOUND there in darkness and despair, and caged like an animal. TO KNOW in your heart you were created to be free, unshackled to roam the good earth in glorious liberty...but, instead...The EVIL ENEMY captured and robbed you of your freedom. He left you cast down, afflicted, hopeless, and in utter despair!SUDDENLY! You see a SHINING LIGHT dispelling the darkness. You have a VISITOR! HE APPEARED as one having all authority; yet, HE was gracious and his eyes were full of compassion. He said, "I have a KEY that OPENS ALL PRISON DOORS." "I came here for this very purpose: TO BRING DELIVERANCE to the CAPTIVES." "TO LOOSE those who are BOUND by the enemy." "TO DESTROY his work." "TO SET AT LIBERTY all those that are BOUND."CAN YOU IMAGINE YOUR REACTION?HOPE, like a ray of sunshine, SPRINGS FORTH as HE INSERTS THOSE PRECIOUS KEYS into the lock, and HE SAYS TO YOU, "GO FREE."