Soloist - A Lost Dream An (Chinese Edition)
Paperback. Pub Date: June 2009 Pages: 302 Language: Traditional Chinese Publisher: Prentice - Limited Los Angeles Times columnist Lopez met a tramp of the violin. one day in the streets. despite the tramp clothing scruffy. violin only two strings. but from his sound of the piano. playing the violin when he glimpses elegant. as well as his music inputs. Lopez's intuition told him that this person extraordinary. With each other to become familiar with Lopez surprised to find this mysterious man claiming to Jonathan Neal mental condition slight problem in the past was actually a student of the Juilliard School of Music and Yo-Yo Ma. also classmates! Thus. he began to piece together Jonathan Neil's past. trying to find the opportunity to start a new life ... his story Logout. facing the impact of not just Jonathan Neil. Lopez originally want to be touched by the story of Jonatha...