ALL Old Testament Laws Cancelled: 24 Reasons Why All Old Testament Laws Are Cancelled and All New Testament Laws Are for Our Obedience
"ALL Old Testament Laws Cancelled" 24 Reasons Why All Old Testament Laws Are Cancelled And All New Testament Laws Are for Our Obedience. Dedicated to all who obey Old Testament laws, including Reformed, Covenant Theologians; Seventh Day Adventists; other Sabbath-Keepers; and Roman Catholics. God's Law Explained Simply with 7 Diagrams, 20 Charts, 714 Verses. The Sabbath, Decalogue, Covenants, Infant Baptism State-Church. New Covenant Theology vs. Covenant Theology and Antinomianism. Includes Subject Index, Scripture Index, and Authors' Index. Greg Gibson's goal was to write the clearest and easiest to understand explanation of God's law in redemptive history. He "translates scholar-speak into pew-speak" with 7 diagrams and 20 charts. Will this be the book that starts a revolution uniting groups divided over God's law for centuries? Time will tell.