The Nondescript God: "Abstraction or Paragon?"
All theistic philosophies of the world conceive of a Supreme God but none except Indian Vedanta Metaphysics of the two great schools, Advaita and Visishtaadvaita, ventures deeply to inquire further into the real nature of Godhead: Is God an abstract ideal, "nirguna"? Or a paragon of ideal qualities, "saguna"?\nThis book explains the uniqueness of the Visishtaadvaita interpretation of Theism in contradistinction to the Advaitin's.\nAlthough its subject is a formidable one, the book written in a very novel format renders Vedanta Metaphysics intelligible to even a common reader and layman. Eight Dialogues, informal yet fluent and informative, between a philosophy-student and his mentor, the "Unknown Sri Vaishnava", present the main Vedantic thesis of this engaging and very readable book in truly absorbing style