Tales of Zygorra
A group of 10 teenagers from New York City are mysteriously teleported from their summer camp to the alternate dimension of Zygorra. They discover the Zygorrans possess supernatural powers stemming from a previous scientific misadventure on planet Earth.\nThe teenagers start developing their own powers. But they also learn uncomfortable truths about themselves, which they must come to terms with. Kiba believes he is the best candidate to lead the group, while Firuza craves to be taken seriously. Diana wishes to exert control, while Luis and Hannah struggle to separate the past from the present. Thao and Banko want to make peace, while young Ganiru searches for security. James relives his past trauma, and Rafan believes it is his moment to shine.\nCan this eclectic mix of characters and personalities work together to achieve a common goal – finding their way back home?