Executive Presence: The POISE Formula for Leadership
About the Author\nShital Kakkar Mehra is India's leading CEO Executive Presence Coach. With over twenty years of experience, she has personally trained over 45,000 professionals across industries, including numerous CEO's from leading multi-national and progressive Indian companies. She has conducted workshops in a diverse set of organizations across India and has also been a guest speaker at several leading management institutes and associations. Her book, Business Etiquette: A Guide for the Indian Professional (HarperBusiness) has sold over 47,000 copies, and has been translated into several regional Indian languages.\nShital Kakkar Mehra, India's leading Executive Presence coach and bestselling author, has trained numerous CEOs and star performers over the last two decades. In this book, she has shared her proven POISE formula for success; tools to help you maximize your potential and fast-track your career to the coveted role of a CEO. Executive Presence is the mysterious 'it' factor in leadership. How do you present yourself? Are you assertive? Do you inspire confidence? How do you engage with stakeholders? Crack the code on Executive Presence with: Physical Presence: Refine body language skills.Online Presence: Build your global personal brand.Influencer Presence: Master executive maturity; learn to 'speak up'.Stage Presence: Inspire teams with effective public-speaking skills.Engagement Presence: Build strong and diverse networks