Ravenheart - Dawn and Dusk
Ravenheart is a long series consisting of six parts, which follows a young redheaded girl named Eleni Ravenheart - a black-winged angel, who faces a number of troubles, obstacles and dangers on her mission to discover her true power, while trying to discover the reason behind her anima's and her childhood friend's mysterious disappearance about which her father refuses to talk about.
Follow Eleni as she faces her unknown past and tries to prevent the new pending war between her home kingdom and the enemy kingdom, who already clashed once in the not so distant past, erasing nearly the entire great Ravenheart family in the process.
"The Ravenheart story is one of the most engaging stories I had ever read, with interesting plot-twists and plenty of humour. I really enjoyed this story and I just couldn't stop reading it." - Sara Rotar