Archetypes of Mythology: Jungian Theories on Myth and Religion Examined
Carl G. Jung broke with Sigmund Freud to develop his own form of analytical psychology, based on the ideas of the archetypes and the collective unconscious. He also found those concepts exhibited in myth and religion.
Jung got a number of followers, some quite illustrious, such as Joseph Campbell and recently Jordan B. Peterson.
This book presents and critically examines the imaginative theories of Jung and the Jungians about mythology and religion, as expressed in their own texts. Although discredited within psychology, these ideas have had a considerable influence on art, literature, New Age esotericism, and movie-making. Still, they can and should be questioned.\nStefan Stenudd is a Swedish author and historian of ideas. Within the history of ideas he researches thought patterns in creation myths, as well as theories about mythology through history.