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Dancing the Body of Light: The Future of Yoga

Dancing the Body of Light: The Future of Yoga image




Author(s): Holleman, Dona
Released: May 16, 2000
Format: Paperback, 318 pages
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Dancing the Body of Light is the title of the book that Dona has brought out with her student and fellow yoga teacher, Orit Sen-Gupta. Together they have explored the past and present stages of yoga and offer in this ambitious manuscript a way that the art of yoga can continue to develop in the future. Perfect pose, empty mind, and wide heart are at the basis of this development, in which all the aspects of the human being are brought together into one organic whole. This was undoubtedly the aim of the ancient yogi's, but as happens to all traditions, at a certain moment in history the descriptions take the place of reality, the vehicle to arrive at life becomes more important than life itself. The book "Dancing the Body of Light: the Future of Yoga", aims at refreshing old concepts and giving them a new, modern look. Using modern terminology and modern sciences, the old yogic concepts of the annamaya kosha (the physical body) and the pranamaya kosha (the energy body) are rediscovered as the twin vehicle in which the human being travels through life. The application of NOT-DOING or WU-WEI to the physical body brings again the pranamaya kosha or energy body into focus. At the same time the application of NOT-DOING to the mind and heart bring back that peacefulness and innocence that can reflect without distortion the here and now. It is out of that reflection that we can act with clarity and efficiency. The book is brought out in a beautiful hard back cover, and a deluxe paperback which contain, apart from the philosophical part, a large section with a detailed description of all the asanas, bandhas, pranayama techniques and savasana techniques. With more than three hundred photographs it gives, in addition to the description, a visual idea of the ease and fluidity with which the postures can be performed if they are done from the point of view of the energy body through the application of WU-WEI or NOT-DOING. This book is a must for all serious yoga practitioners and teachers.

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