I Read Where I Am: Exploring New Information Cultures
When Guy Debord identified the image consumerism of “the society of the spectacle” in the 1960s, he could not have forecast that language would threaten to eclipse the image in the medium of personal technology, creating a world of ubiquitous legibility. Today, we read anytime and anywhere, on screens of all sizes; we read not only newspaper articles, but also databases, online archives, search engine results and navigational structures. We read while out on the street, at home or in the office, with a complete library to hand--but less and less we read a book at home on the couch. In other words, we are, or are becoming, a different kind of reader. I Read Where I Am contains visionary texts about the future of reading and the status of the word in the digital age from designers, philosophers, journalists and politicians, looking at both sides of the argument for printed and digital reading matter.