Themes of St. Luke (Fuori Collana)
Of many possible approaches to the study of the Third Gospel, this author has opted for a thematic approach, realizing that certain aspects of Lucan theology will thereby be highlighted at the expense of others. The examination of many distinct themes, despite their frequent overlapping, favours an appreciation of Lucan theology which is more analytic than synthetic. Notwithstanding the analytic emphasis of the thematic approach, the unity of Lucan theology will inevitably appear, inasmuch as all these themes are ultimately intelligible only as variations on the overriding Lucan theme of salvation in Christ. An intelligent reading of the Gospel presupposes an awareness of the individual writer's themes. These themes intersect and illuminate each other. Several themes often occur in the same periscope. The themes of one Gospel will often be found in the others; however, the perspective of the individual writer will inevitably color their treatment. None of the themes treated in this study has been selected on the assumption that it is exclusively Lucan. This study does not aim at an exhaustive treatment of the themes selected. Such treatment might easily require a book for each theme. An attempt has been made to sketch a sufficiently large number of themes from the third Gospel which as an ensemble might lead to an awareness of their subtle orchestration in the hands of the writer whose theological perspective unidies into a meaningful work of art, intelligence and grace.