Acta ad Archaeologiam et Artium Historiam Pertinentia, 4 (Italian Edition)
Maria Floriani Squarciapino: Afrodite di Afrodisia - Axel Seeberg: Poppies, not pomegranates - Richard Brillant: An Early Imprial portrait of Caligula - Per Krarup: Zur Faustinus-Inschrift von Sperlonga - Hans Peter LOrange:Sperlonga again. Supplementary remarks of the Scylla and the Ship - Ariel Herrmann: Sperlonga notes - Tomislav marasovic': Gli appartamenti dellImperatore Diocleziano nel suo palazzo a SplitP - Heinz KTMhler: La villa di Massenzio a Piazza Armerina - Beat Brenk:Zwei Reliefs des spTMten 4. Jahrhunderts - Hemming Windfeld-Hansen: Lhexaconque funeraire de larea sub divo du cimetiere de Pretextat a Rome - Hans Peter LOrange: Statua tardo-antica di unImperatrice - Hjalmar Torp: Lesa Christiana. The problem of the interpretation of Coptic sculpture with mythological motifs - Per Jonas Nordhagen:A carved marble pilaster in the Vatican Grottoes.Some remarks on the sculptural techniques of the Early Ages - Cyril Mango: The date of Cod.Vat. Regin. Gr. i and the Macedonian Renaissance - Bjarne Andberg: Gli affreschi di San Nicola a Filettino - Staale Sinding-Larsen: A re-reading of the Sistine Ceiling - Magne Malmanger: Sir Joshua Reyonlds Discourses: attitude and ideas - Hans Peter LOrange: Nuovo materiale per lo studio della scultura altomedioevale.I.Sculture altomedioevali dellAbbazia di Farfa.