Something is still present and isn’t, of what’s gone. A bilingual anthology of avant-garde and avant-garde inspired Rumanian poetry
An anthology of Rumanian poems, together with their English translations, with an avant–garde flavor, stunning by the evocative strength of their imagery and their ability to create vivid atmospheric states, starting with the youthful poems of Tristan Tzara (1896–1963), in which life might be «sad, but nevertheless a garden», and ending with the disconsolate poems of Mariana Marin (1956–2003), with the surrealist poetry of Paul Celan (1920–1970), Gellu Naum (1915–2001), Ilarie Voronca (1903–1946), Gherasim Luca (1913–1994), oniric poetry by Vintilă Ivănceanu (1940–2008), George Almosnino (1936– 1994), Nora Iuga (1931–) and much more in between. There are uncanny connections in the states of soul, over long stretches of time, between the various poems. Translation supported by a National Endowment for the Arts Literature Translation Fellowship.