Rabboni (Spanish Edition Edition) Un Libro De Oracion Y Meditacion
Rabboni es un libro de oracion y meditacion, pautado en la Palabra de Dios. En el se abordan temas como: "Dios me ama", "Jesus es el amor de Dios", "Como salvarte tu y ty familia", "Jesus, ten piedad de mi", "La Sangre de Jesus tiene poder", que te llevaran a obtener mas paz, alegria, amor, cura fisica y espiritual, perdo, bendicion, salvacion, fe en Jesus y vida en plenitude. Quein lee Rabboni nunca sera la misma perona. Rabboni is a book of prayer and meditation, as based on the Word of God. In addressing issues such as: "God loves me", "Jesus is the love of God," "How to save yourself and family ty", "Jesus, have mercy on me", "The Blood of Jesus has power," which inspire you to get more peace, joy, love, physical and spiritual healing, forgiving, blessing, salvation, faith in Jesus and life in plenitude. Whoever reads Rabboni, will never be the same.