Central Park / In Spanish (Spanish Edition)
Nueva York, 8 a.m. Alice una joven policía parisina y Gabriel, un pianista de jazz estadounidense, se despiertan en un banco de Central Park esposados el uno al otro. Ella lleva su camisa manchada de sangre y una pistola, que no es la suya, a la que le falta una bala. No se conocen entre sí y ninguno recuerda lo sucedido, pero lo más extraño es que la noche anterior, Alice estaba en una fiesta con sus amigas en los Campos Elíseos y Gabriel estaba tocando el piano en un club en Dublín.¿Imposible? Y sin embargo...¿cómo han llegado hasta Nueva York si uno estaba en Dublín y la otra en París?¿De dónde procede la sangre de la camisa de Alice? Alice y Gabriel no tienen más remedio que colaborar para averiguar qué ha pasado, pero pronto el círculo se irá estrechando y descubrirán que la verdad es mucho más estremecedora de lo que imaginaban. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION Alice doesn't remember anything about last night. What is she doing in Central Park if yesterday she was in the Champs Elysées? Alice Shäfer, captain of the Parisian crime squad, wakes up deeply disoriented. She is on a park bench; her blouse is blood-stained. She is carrying a weapon that isn't hers, and it is missing a bullet. And most troublingly of all, she is handcuffed to a stranger. The last thing she remembers is having drank more than usual with her friends at a party in the Champs Elysées. The rest is a blur. Her only hope is that the man she is cuffed to might help her reconstruct the facts, but he is as bewildered as she is. His name is Gabriel Keyne, he is a jazz pianist, and he swears that the night before, he played in a club in Dublin. Things get even more disturbing when they realize that they have awoken in Central Park. How did they get to New York? Alice and Gabriel have no option but to trust each other to get to the bottom of this strange mystery. But the truth is even more hair-raising than they can imagine...