ALEMANIA 1945: DE LA GUERRA A LA PAZ (Spanish Edition)
A comienzos de 1945, Alemania experimenta el mayor brote de violencia que haya visto el mundo y sufre la derrota mas profunda de toda la historia moderna: el Tercer Reich entra en franca decadencia; los aliados bombardean sus principales ciudades y diezman a la poblacion, antes de invadir y dividir el pais; la economia se paraliza, las infraestructuras se derrumban, el gobierno se esfuma y el hambre y la frustracion asuelan a todos. Y, sin embargo, existio una transicion, la de un pais derrotado y moribundo que con el tiempo alcanzaria grandes cotas de prosperidad, paz y civismo. Durante anos nos hemos enfocado en estudiar como Europa cayo en la tirania, la violencia, la guerra y el genocidio; este libro describe como la humanidad volvio a su cauce. / Over 450,000 German troops were lost in the January of 1945 as they fought to keep Russia back from their eastern border. That is higher than the total number of casualties lost by Britain or America in all theatres during the entire war. Hitler and his army fought to the bitter end, declaring war on America before being crushed by the allied forces, its military machine smashed and its leadership destroyed. But what about the average German citizen? What challenges faced the families left torn apart, the fatherless children, the widows and those left homeless. Richard Bessel explores the fate of the average German as he outlines the story about the turning point in modern German history.