Soccer. Pressing just after ball loss: Concept and 50 drills for training
In the creation or development of the game models devised by the coaches, one of the options that can be taken is the pressing just after losing the ball.
This type of pressure or this moment in which it is “decided” to press, is usually identified with teams that want to take the initiative in the game with the ball, and who try to recover the ball as soon as possible.
We can say that the "pressing just after losing" is a way to face, as a team, the moment when we lose the ball and it is still in play, being able to be carried out by all the players, by a group of them or by a single player, depending on the game strategy and on the team's game model, and according to the objectives we want to achieve with it. It is closely related to the attack-defense transition.
The pressure after loss can also be selective in terms of the places or times in which to carry it out, depending on the game model and the structures used by one team or another. There may be a team that always faces loss with a defensive fallback and only performs "pressing just after losing" if the loss occurs at the beginning of the play from their own box and with the team deployed, for example.