Ayobami en die name van die diere (Ayobami and the Names of the Animals) (Afrikaans Edition)
Afrikaans edition of the Winner at The 2018 New York Times/New York Public Library Best Illustrated Children's Books
Ayobami is an African girl who dreams of going to school. After war comes to an end, she can finally return to the schoolhouse. But in order to do so, she has to take a dangerous path through the jungle. Armed only with a piece of paper and a worn-out pencil, she embarks on a hazardous journey to fulfil her unweaving desire to learn and write. This is a tale about the importance of education, the difficulties that many children have to overcome to go to school, and the perseverance and enthusiasm of those who want to learn.
Ayobami droom daarvan om skool toe te gaan. Maar om by die skool te kom moet sy 'n gevaarlike pad stap: die een wat deur die bos lei. Hierdie is 'n verhaal oor die belangrikheid van onderwys en die struikelblokke wat baie kinders moet oorkom om skool toe te gaan - en oor die deursettingsvermoë en entoesiasme van dié wat wil leer.