Pascual el dragón descubre América - Cuentos en letra ligada: Cuentos para aprender a leer: 4 (Aprende a leer en letra ligada) - Spanish book in handwritten letters for 4-6 year-olds
Pascual the dragon travels to Mexico! He will play the Mayan ballgame, he will see the pyramid of Kukulkán and he will discover how spicy the food can be.An interactive children's book in Spanish, in which the little dragon himself tells the story and, from time to time, asks the child questions.It is a good book to instill the value of saving water and that we should help others. This is the fourth title in the collection Pascual el dragón descubre el mundo, in handwriting.It's recommended to explain to children from 3 years old or to read it themselves from 5 years old. Títulos de la colección: 1- Pascual el dragón descubre Antártida 2- Pascual el dragón descubre Asia 3- Pascual el dragón descubre África 4- Pascual el dragón descubre América 5- Pascual el dragón descubre Europa 6- Pascual e