Miracles of Naturopathy
Pages: 423 (Illustrated Throughout In B/W)
From back of the book
Nature is the Greatest Physician
“Bad health is a reflection of the inner system of our body. To maintain or to regain health, one has to re – adjust the inner system; and the answer to that is: ‘Return to Nature’.”
Allopathic treatment is combative; and the treatment through Nature Cure is preventive. If you are in bad health, don’t worry, Nature cure will change it for better; if you are in sound health, maintain it by going in the lap of nature.
This book, written by the foremost practicing Naturopath in the country, Dr. Nagendra Kumar Neeraj, is a compendium that gives the readers scientific analysis about the amazing therapeutic values of Naturopathy. It will prove to be a beacon of hope for the sick and a guide for those who want to lea a disease – free healthy life. This book contains many useful hints for the lay – persons, both for the prevention and cure of ailments.
Sound health is the greatest of Nature’s gifts.
The book deals with Nature Cure, Naturopathy is not new to India. Mahatma Gandhi gave a great fillip to Nature Cure by his valuable experiments and frequent authenticated writings on the subject.
The reader, students of Naturopathy and the general public alike have very well received the original Hindi edition of this titled ‘Prakritik Chikitsa Evam Yoga Vijanaik Prayoga’. This edition includes the entire set of diseases, which could be treated with naturopathy. It is being universally realized that allopathic medicines have their harmful after effects, and lose their efficacy after some time. Naturopathy as a system of medicine is harmless and