Sri Ramana Gita With Sanskrit Text,English Transliteration,Revised English Translation and Tamil Translation
Sri Ramana Gita,composed by Sri Kavyakantha Ganapati Muni,embodying the teachings of Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi,which has been hailed to be on the same level as the most ancient works of a like nature,is however,unique in the treatment of it's subject-matter meeting all the needs of contemporary enquirer,clearing his doubts and in some parts of the subject entering into minute details.It is particularly unique in it's stressing of the Heart and of the method of mind control.Above all,the Teacher has drawn on his own experience and thus placed the seal of certainty upon the teachings. This latest edition of this important book incorporates,for the first time,besides the Sanskrit text and English translation,English transliteration of the Sanskrit text and Tamil translation. This latest Edition of this important book incorporates,for the first time,besides the Sanskrit text and English translation,English transliteration of the Sanskrit text and Tamil translation.