Mind According to Vedanta
All about the mind and it's control. Lectures delivered in America by one of our most respected swamis.
Selection from the Table of Contents:
The Mind According to Vedanta
How to Purify the Mind
The Mind and its Ways
The Mind and the Senses
The Mind and its Control
Waking, Dreaming and Dreamless Sleep
Psychiatry and Vedanta
About the author:
Swami Satprakashananda (1888-1979) was the founder and head of the Vedanta Society of St. Louis and a monk of the Ramakrishna Order.
He had the good fortune of seeing Swami Vivekananda in 1901, and later he met Sarada Devi and nine direct disciples of Sri Ramakrishna. The Swami was a great scholar and wrote several books on Vedanta, including Methods of Knowledge - According to Advaita Vedanta.