Vimla Ratna Lekha Nama
At$ûs"a D$ûp"ankara ®Sr$ûj±n"ana was the greatest Buddhist scholar of his age. He wrote and translated several texts. The Bstan-Hgyur alone contains the names of about two hundred works, both original and translations, ascribed to him. They are all extant in Tibetan of which the Bodhi-patha-prad$ûpa and the Vimala-ratna-lekha-n"ama deserve special notice. Vimala-ratna-lekha-n"ama is an epistle, he wrote to king Nayap"ala of Magadha. In this letter Dipankar enumerates the duties of a Buddhist. It is a collection of moral maxims for the guidance of devout Buddhists and speaks of the excellences of moral of observances. It was at the earnest and importunate requests of the king of Tibet that Dipankar at the age of sixty-one gave up the charge of Vikrama«sil"a Mah"avih"ara and proceeded to Tibet with the blessings of the goddess Tara. For thirteen long years he incessantly propagated the Dhamma and established there.