Peacock in Indian Art: Thought and Literature
"The National Bird of India is the Peacock. Majestic and graceful, with a beautiful from and charming colours, it caught the fancy of the Indian artisans from early times, who used it profusely in their artistic creations. From the Harappan period to the present day, in every art expression, the Peacock is beautifully portrayed. It has been depicted as a sacred bird; mount of Kartikeya, an important deity of Hindu pantheon and an absent lover in the miniature paintings. The present monograph is an in depth study of all aspects related to this bird its habitat, history, narration in Indian Mythology and literature, various forms, its uses and medicinal properties mentioned in ancient texts. 107 carefully selected colourful illustrations and 25 sketches on the subject show various aspects of Peacock in art forms. "