Cost Accounting : Principles And Practice
Description The primary market is B.Com Pass and Honours, and professionalexaminations like CA, ICWA, CS, and CFA. The secondary market isPostgraduate courses in Business. Cost Accounting: Principles and Practice is a comprehensivetextbook designed to help students understand the concepts,theories and practice underlying cost accounting in a systematicmanner. It provides the readers with adequate skills in the areasof cost bookkeeping, cost accumulation, cost apportionment, costanalysis, cost control, and cost audit of an enterprise. It willenable the readers to generate information pertaining to inventoryvaluation, revenue decisions (product-mix decisions, profit-volumedecisions and pricing decisions), cost control and diagnosis(diagnosing unsatisfactory situations). The book covers all thetopics of undergraduate commerce and management courses, offered byIndian universities/management institutes. It will amply meet therequirements of other related professional courses including CA,CS