Love & Respect: The Love She Most Desires; The Respect He Desperately Needs (SIMPLIFIED CHINESE)
A wife always asks, "Why he doesn't love me as I love him?" The husband always asks, "Why does she usually easily despise me and ignore my feelings?" How can this conflict be resolved? Read this book - Love and Respect In this book, Dr. Emerson Eggerichs starts with the natural difference between men and women, exposing the cause of 50% failed marriage: neglecting each other's nature and basic need - Men need respect instinctively and women need love naturally. If one skips this basic truth, the spouse will fall into a "Crazy Circle" characterized by grumbling, suspicion, jealousy, criticism and quarreling. Once each is aware of this pattern and decides to fulfill their spouse's basic need, they will be able to crack the communication code that will lead them to the "Energizing Cycle" where the husband loves his wife and the wife respects her husband.