The Silent Majority (Chinese Edition)
This is the collector's edition of Wang Xiaobo's work, including his posthumous manuscript that has never been released and a great many personal photos. It is collated by Li Yinhe who also wrote the preface to express her wistful feelings for Wang Xiaobo. The Silent Majority collects representative essay of Wang Xiaobo. With his remarkable writing style and sober mind, he analyzes morality and ethics of the society, studies of Chinese ancient civilization and neo Confucianism, individual dignity, novels and art, expressing rational and interesting views. Wang Xiaobo said, ""I lived on earth to know some principles and meet some interesting things. If it can be as I wish, my life can be considered successful. I start too late, so it is likely I cannot accomplish anything, but I need to state my attitude. That is why I wrote this book-for me and also the silent majority.