Chinese Qigong Acupressure Therapy: A Traditional Healing Technology for the Modern World
Qigong acupressure therapy is a healing technology rooted in the Chinese medical tradition. It incorporates many therapeutic methods, such as acupressure, massage, daoyin (a physical and breathing exercise) and application of external qi (potential energy). The book contains six chapters which cover the basic knowledge and methods of qigong along with reports describing the clinical practice of qigong acupressure therapy In addition, useful prescriptions of acupoints for qigong acupressure therapy and supplemental qigong exercise are presented.
Qigong acupressure therapy may be used to treat many common diseases with good therapeutic results. Because this technique is easy to learn and practise, it can be used not only by qigong acupressure therapists to cure diseases, but also by patients, to maintain their health. Illustrated.