203 Travel Challenges: Travel the World, Explore Your Inner Self
In today s world, we read more but learn less. We travel more but change less. We ve seen all the tourist destinations thousands of times on the internet and therefore fail to be amazed when we actually visit a place. So why do we bother to travel at all?
203 Travel Challenges is different from any travel book you ve read before. It s not just for reading, it s for taking action. It will give you ideas of destinations and new experiences but, above all, it will challenge you to do, see, hear and try things you ve never thought of doing while traveling. It will make you open your mind to the exciting opportunities that you have but rarely use. It will give you useful information and advice. It will inspire you to transform every trip into your very own personal adventure.
This book is for anyone who thinks they have tried everything. For anyone who thinks they just can t. For any ordinary person who loves traveling, the new things in life as well as life itself. For any tired, busy, serious, conservative, disappointed or sad person - you re the person who needs a little change of scenery the most! We ll challenge you to change the way you travel in at least 203 different ways.
Take the ingredients of the challenges, stir them, move them and change them to create your own challenges.