Las cicatrices del viento/ The Scarring of the Wind (Spanish Edition)
For over half a century, The United Fruit Company exploited Central America, Colombia, and various countries in the Caribbean, wielding its power to the extent of imposing presidents and overthrowing those who did not bend to their will. The author provides a documented denunciation of the complicity and obsequiousness of the banana governments governments that were effectively manipulated, militarily and bureaucratically, by the highest political and mercantile echelons in the United States. Spanish Description: La United Fruit fue un inmenso monopolio norteamericano que exploto durante mas de medio siglo a Centroamerica, varios paises del Caribe y Colombia, doblegandolos ante su poderio al grado de imponerles presidentes a su conveniencia y derrocar a los que no se plegaban a sus demandas. Ante el lector se exhiben las atrocidades cometidas por el pulpo o la frutera, como se le conocia a la compania bananera mas poderosa del mundo en las naciones que tuvieron la desgracia de