Otro Dios es posible / Another God is Possible (Spanish Edition)
After 2,000 years, we still do not know with certainty who the one they call Jesus Christ is. His teachings have been misinterpreted and his works manipulated by Evangelicals. Did he walk on water? Did he multiply the loaves and fish? Did he heal the blind and paralyzed? Did he have brothers and sisters? Were there only twelve apostles? What was his relationship with Mary Magdalene? Those who wrote this book and believe in the message of Jesus, present a Messiah that is more human and closer to the people, who are regressing to a more confusing period and religious fanaticism to speak about God's will, the angels and the archangels, the Jews, the Holy Shroud, the power of prayer, baptism, money, Hell, the Holy Inquisition, euthanasia, and the true religion.