China's Belt and Road Initiative: Connecting Countries Saving Millions of Lives
"CHINA'S BELT AND ROAD INITIATIVE - Connecting Countries Saving Millions of Lives" is a compilation of essays by Andre Vltchek. China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is fundamentally reshaping the world. Africa, the Middle East, Central and Southeast Asia, that were previously at the mercy of Western imperialist powers, have suddenly discovered that they have alternatives and choices. Entire huge railroad pro- jects in East Africa as well as in the once devastated Laos are now connecting continents. Along the railway lines, schools are growing, and so are medical facilities, community learning centers and cultural institutions. All this because of BRI. BRI is about the well-being of the people, about the culture, health and knowledge. BRI aimes at connecting human beings of different races, life philosophies, and beliefs.