How to Play Go. A Concise Introduction
Go is the ancient oriental board game, play by millions throughout the world. The rules are so easy a child of five can learn to play, but true mastery requires years of intensive study. Like nature, its simple elements-- wood and stone, line and circle, black and white -- build into complex structures. Go is the perfect game for developing left- and right-brain abilities -- intuition and pattern recognition as well as brute-force analysis. In addition, the richness of its strategic concepts allows go to be used as a model for real-life decision making. Go also teaches the value of patience and it shows how to balance aggressiveness and restraint for maximum gain. "How to Play Go. A Concise Introduction" is a straightforward introduction to the game. The ten basic rules are clearly explained in just a few pages. Problems are interspersed throughout the book to drive home the concepts being presented. After the rules are thoroughly explained, there is a section on opening strategy, followed by a section on tactics. Everything that is essential to playing the game is included with ample references to resources that will aid you in continuing your study of this ancient and profound game.