Dictionary to learn the Chinese character for elementary school students (2011) ISBN: 4010776277 [Japanese Import]
Product Description Content ("BOOK" database) Kanji 1006 characters to learn in elementary school are summarized in each grade. All of the kanji with a phonetic, were to be subtracted from the first year. Such as how to read, meaning and usage, stroke count and bushings, stroke order, become our Kanji showed clearly the learning element. To 1006 characters all have with fun illustrations. Contents ("MARC" database) Shown in grade by Kanji payout table, dictionary, which grouped by grade kanji 1006 characters to learn in elementary school. Kanji is us, meaning, reading, number of strokes and bushings, such as stroke order, and cover it necessary. Fun illustrations with all of the kanji. Third edition it second only to the 90 annual. - This text refers to an out-of-print book or this title has been associated with the edition that has not been set.