Loricariidae - The Most Beautiful L-numbers (AQUALOG Special)
Fantastic poster with 64 of the most beautiful and popular L-numbers. Plus a lot of informative text about the care, breeding etc. All L- and LDA-numbers are presented in AQUALOG all L-numbers and completing supplements on over 500 full color photographs.
The fishes featured in this book are not just identified by their name but also code number. AQUALOG has developed an ingenious code number system which labels every known or newly discovered fish (incl. breeding forms etc.)with an individual code number.
This number remains, despite any scientific renaming. Moreover, it enables you to communicate internationally about any fish without the danger of confusion regarding local names!
If you require complete information on all fishes of this group, you'll find it in our AQUALOG-reference book "Aqualog Loricariidae All L-numbers"!