Bayerische Staatsbibliothek Inkunabelkatalog Band 6: Register, Teil 1: Druckerregister, Konkordanzen, Corrigenda (German Edition)
The Catalogue of Incunabula in the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek Munchen (BSB-Ink) presents in volume 1-5 detailed descriptions of more than 9500 incunabula in 17400 copies. Two index volumes give convenient access to this material. Volume 6 contains an index of printers, in which all incunabula held by the BSB are listed under printing places and workshops in chronological sequence. The retrieval of descriptions in the catalogue is facilitated by concordances with important bibliographies (Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendrucke, Einblattdrucke des XV. Jahrhunderts, Hain, Copinger, Reichling, British Museum Catalogue, Goff, Schreiber). A concordance of library shelfmarks and catalogue numbers is a comfortable tool for finding all incunabula contained in a given volume. Updated information on numerous descriptions is provided in a list of corrigenda for volumes 1-5. Volume 7 will contain indexes of literary contributors and of provenances with biographical notices. The historical bookbindings will be presented in an index of binding workshops. In addition, descriptions of more than 100 incunabula acquired by the library since 1986 and not listed in volumes 1-5 of the catalogue will be published.