Cymatics, Vol 2: The Book
What effects do vibrations produce in a concrete medium? What effects appear in a system and its environment when wave phenomena are inherent in that system? An answer to these questions was sought first of all in the acoustic field, where experiments revealed a characteristic phenomenology of vibrational effects and wave phenomena with typical structural patterns and dynamics (cymatics). Serial phenomena of this kind were presented in our first volume (Cymatics 1967). These studies are continued in this second volume. Here again, methods have been employed in which the phenomenon is treated as a whole and not anatomized. Why is this? When we observe a phenomenon, it is natural to concentrate on one single factor and make it the focus of our attention. Now, if such a factor is abstracted from its context and allowed to dictate our procedure, the investigation tends to become biased and other characteristics of the object under study are easily missed. The attempt must be made to return time and again to the original phenomenon and time and again to look at is with fresh eyes. (from the Introduction)