Peter Eisenman: Barefoot On White-Hot Walls
Fragments of the many practices of the American architect Peter Eisenman are the subject of Barefoot on White-Hot Walls, published in conjunction with the exhibition at the MAK, Vienna. This volume gathers critical texts by Peter Eisenman and other authors, including Mark Wigley and Emmanuel Petit, ample project illustrations from Eisenman's entire career, including the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe in Berlin, and the City of Culture of Galicia in Santiago de Compostela, as well as documentation of the exhibition installation itself. Both the catalogue and the exhibition are collections of autonomous fragments of different moments in Eisenman's varied practice as an architect, including design projects since the 1970s, building analyses, lecture excerpts, biographical information and critical writings. It is as much a retrospective of nearly 40 years of Eisenman's work as it is a document that considers the contemporary relevance of some of his key architectural concepts.