Foundations of Hyperbolic Manifolds (Graduate Texts in Mathematics, 149)

Foundations of Hyperbolic Manifolds (Graduate Texts in Mathematics, 149) image




Edition: Third Edition 2019
Released: Nov 07, 2019
Publisher: Springer
Format: Hardcover, 812 pages
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This heavily class-tested book is an exposition of the theoretical foundations of hyperbolic manifolds. It is a both a textbook and a reference. A basic knowledge of algebra and topology at the first year graduate level of an American university is assumed. The first part is concerned with hyperbolic geometry and discrete groups. The second part is devoted to the theory of hyperbolic manifolds. The third part integrates the first two parts in a development of the theory of hyperbolic orbifolds. Each chapter contains exercises and a section of historical remarks. A solutions manual is available separately.

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