Truth in Motion
We look for answers to the problems in life -- distinct, discrete, certain, and right. But life is moving, as a whole and in each of its parts. How then can the answers be located in the stagnant realm of assuredness? What we find there may be short-term solutions, strategies that work momentarily, but in the end, they falter, break into pieces over time or under new pressures. Truth in Motion is written in the wind; it offers glimpses into what makes way for essential insight, it invites us to step out of the narrow view and to gaze into the vastness of the all. There, right here, all-encompassing everywhere, the answers flow and shape-shift in accordance with the rhythm of life and the creative force that defines it moment to moment and for all time. When we listen beyond the details of our personal questions, we may hear the chords of enduring truths.