Cartoon City
For a classic urban sass novel, cult hit Cartoon City by Ferdia Mac Anna is hard to beat, with its wild cast of misfits, rebels and Dublin denizens. Anti-hero Myles seeks an out from his journo work. When he falls for the redoubtable Mia, however, he is drawn into the heart of Dublin's underworld with some alarming - and hilarious - consequences. Ferdia Mac Anna's career has brought him from comic writing to memoir, literary fiction and film direction. This is his third novel, originally published by Headline in 2000. It romps through a comic tale of crime, passion and surreal humour at breakneck pace. With an eye for characterisation and a flair for Dublinese, it pogos along like Flann O'Brien with rock'n'roll. This second edition of Cartoon City from 451 Editions - is now available to coincide with its twentieth anniversary.