Creatures from Fairy-Tale and Myth (5e) (PNH0800)
Bring your 5e game to new lands and explore the wonders of Creatures from Fairy-Tale and Myth. Rediscover monsters you thought you knew, brought forth from their fairy-tale origins. Learn about strange new monsters drawn from Scandinavian, Baltic, Slavic and Celtic myth.
This is more than just a series of stat blocks. Every creature is presented with beautiful art and a detailed breakdown, including an innovative, easy-prep look at 5e rules; a detailed backstory on the creature from the researchers that brought you Fate of the Norns: Ragnarok--the most Viking of roleplaying games; and supplementary text on the creature bursting with enough ideas to light a fire under any game master. Each creature is designed not as an encounter, but as a whole session, or with a whole campaign of possibilities.
Creatures from Fairy-Tale and Myth 5e brings you a deep dive into historical myth and high fantasy to ignite your fascination and set your 5e game ablaze.
Your game table may never be the same again.
This book includes:
- Brand new creatures compatible with the 5e game system
- Brand new class for players
- A comprehensive crafting system for all manner of magical and exotic items
- Expansions for the 5e game system rules (social combat, dynamic power dice, etc...)