Romanian Stories (Illustrated): A Collection of Fifteen Stories Written by Some of Romania's Best Writers
A collection of fifteen stories written by some of Romania's best writers of the late 19th century, early 20th century period, translated by Lucy Byng, revised by Tiberian Press, illustrated by Francesca Ibba:
The Fairy of the Lake(Mihail Sadoveanu)
The Easter Torch(Ion Luca Caragiale)
At Manjoala's Inn(Ion Luca Caragiale)
Alexandru Lapushneanu, 1564-1569(Costache Negruzzi)
Zidra(Marc Beza)
Gardana(Marc Beza)
The Dead Pool(Marc Beza)
Old Nichifor, the Impostor(Ion Creanga)
Cozma Racoare(Mihail Sadoveanu)
The Wanderers(Mihail Sadoveanu)
The Fledgeling(Ioan Alexandru Bratescu-Voinesti)
Popa Tanda(Ioan Slavici)
Out in the World(Ion Popovici-Banateanu)
The Bird of Ill Omen(Ioan Alexandru Bratescu-Voinesti)
Irinel(Barbu Stefanescu Delavrancea)