The Secret True Life Books of The Bible
The contents of the verses of this book were chosen from the 12-volume work called The Book of True Life, and have been ordered by themes, resulting in a compendium that uses the original wording, but which offers the reader an introduction of more manageable size to this Divine work. The twelve volumes are made up of a total of 366 chronologically numbered "Teachings". Although this book is arranged by topics, the Teachings are subdivided by verse numbers to facilitate their identification and for easy comparison between translations made to other languages. However, they are also identified, either singly, or at the end of a block of verses taken whole from the twelve volumes of The Book of True Life, by the original Teaching and Volume numbers for those, who wish to expand their knowledge of the work, or who wish to check the full context for citations they find to be of special interest. For example, a numerical citation such as: (356, 4-5) means: Teaching 356, verses four and five, of the original. Below, is a small table showing the Teaching numbers contained in each of the twelve volumes: Volume 1 1 - 28 Volume 7 175 - 207 Volume 2 29 - 54 Volume 8 208 - 241 Volume 3 55 - 82 Volume 9 242 - 276 Volume 4 83 - 110 Volume 10 277 - 309 Volume 5 111 - 142 Volume 11 310 - 338 Volume 6 143 - 174 Volume 12 339 - 366